Play The Game Online Motor Games On Convenience

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Welcome to the world of video games. The incredible world of make believe games played with passion and followed with gusto. From being a pastime to becoming a phenomenon video games have traversed a long way. History states that the first interactive electronic

game was a missile simulator based on the World War II and invented in the year 1947. The game was played on a cathode ray tube and the gadget was known as Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device. Over the years with the advent of digital circuitry and the introduction of graphic user interfaced games, Video gaming acquired a new dimension.

Every great invention has a humble beginning; the idea of dedicated video gaming console also took seed when Ralph Baer a television engineer conceived the idea of building an

interactive television set. The first game played on such a television set was known as Chase and two dots chased each other to form a simple two-player video game. The entry of digital technology improved things substantially for video game buffs and the first gaming console called Magnavox Odyssey was launched in 1972 with improved versions being launched in 1974 and 1975. This was followed by the Magnavox Odyssey 200, Atari/Sears Tele-Games, Coleco Telestar and Nintendo Color TV games between 1975 and 1977.

At present there are quite a few cutting edge gaming devices and consoles present in the market. The Xbox 360 Console from Microsoft, Playstation 3 Console and PSP (Playstation Portable) from Sony, Wii Console and Nintendo DS from Japanese manufacturer Nintendo and the ubiquitous PCs (Personal Computers) make up the hardware vendors who

dominate this extremely lucrative market. Each year billions of dollars are invested in producing games with brilliant graphics and smart packages. Today video games are built into mobiles phones and iPhone and are immensely popular with masses.

From Pacman to Prince of Persia and Harry Potter to H.A.W.X2, different generation of popular video games have enthralled gamers from all over the world. Serious hard core gamers are the usual target groups for whom high quality games and hardware devices are specifically made. A lot of money is invested in these areas and yields high returns for their

makers when they become successful. Games for casual games are also available in the form of board games like chess. A one stop online video gaming resource is a great bounty for avid gamers and our site can be a boon for both hardcore and casual players.

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